I'm Hannah, a soon-to-be college student with a passion for fashion! I started my blog October 2011 with the intention of using it as a channel for my creativity/style/ideas. When i began, I never thought that people would read my blog!
Fast forward one month; I get so excited from my readers' comments and look forward to writing posts every day! I enjoy sharing bits & pieces of my life, and sharing my love for fashion.
To be honest, I was never the fashionable type during my childhood. I would always yank hair pins out of my hair and have a fit if my parents tried to put me in a dress. It wasn't until freshman year of high school when my interest in the fashion world grew. I started looking through my Seventeen magazines (I was so obsessed with them back in the day) and cut out outfits that I thought were inspirational. From there, I started reading Teen Vogue, Vogue, InStyle, and Allure for inspiration. I couldn't get enough; at one point, my parents were concerned because I was so into cutting things from my magazines! Three years later, in the midst of writing one of my college applications, I thought, "I would love to write about what I'm truly passionate about, not about what colleges what me to write". Thanks to modern technology, I was able to jump on board and create a blog in an instant! And the rest is all history.
My blog is no where near perfect, but I love being a part of the blogging community. It's such an honor to be a part of a group that is so supportive, so well connected, and so friendly!
As I start a new chapter in my life in Boston (aka. tied for the best city in the world with NYC), I hope to continue making blog friends, finding inspiration, and sharing my ever-changing style. Why don't you hop on along with me for the ride?